CEO Blog

CEO Blog

Still Reeling in the Rewards of June

By Eric B. Larson True confessions: I’m a “Roadie.” Not because of Taylor Swift, but because of the Detroit Grand Prix #back on the streets of downtown. But I must . . .

Triangle shaped DDP logo with We Make it Happen phrase in the center

CEO Blog

Launching We Make It Happen

This month the Downtown Detroit Partnership is launching a new campaign called “We Make It Happen.” The DDP’s 100th-anniversary milestone allowed us to showcase the people and programs that have impacted our organization and region . . .

CEO Blog

DDP’s Big Impact on Small Business: The Success of Our Vendor Programs and Events

Summer in the Downtown Detroit Parks and Public spaces

CEO Blog

Project LighthouseTM Is Beacon Leading the Way to a Safer Detroit

Public health and safety. Something so central to our daily lives. Something so central to the core of public service. Something that can cause endless debate and strong division in . . .

CEO Blog

Connecting Beyond the Office

We all know the pandemic has dramatically changed downtowns. Many of you may not know that Downtown Detroit was, quite fortunately, a bit ahead of the game with what we . . .

CEO Blog

All Detroit’s a Stage

“Detroit is big enough to matter in the world and small enough for you to matter in it.” That quote is from a conversation with Jeanette Pierce, CEO of the . . .
