10 Years of the Downtown Detroit BIZ

Meet John Foley, 2024 BIZ Ambassador of the Year
2024 BIZ Ambassador of the YearJohn Foley John Foley has been on the Downtown Detroit BIZ Ambassador Team for several years and his passion for this community is almost as . . .

Project Lighthouse™ Member Spotlight: Ilitch/Olympia
Project Lighthouse™ Member Spotlight The success of Project Lighthouse™ cannot be achieved without its members. Hear from Melissa Lesperance from Ilitch Companies/Olympia Development about the importance of collaboration and communication in . . .

Downtown Detroit BIZ Safety Ambassador Outreach Team
If you’ve spent time in Downtown Detroit, you’ve likely seen the Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) Ambassadors in their signature yellow jackets. This dedicated group of professionals work tirelessly to create . . .

From BIZ Ambassador to Program Manager
KaTaya Beverly and DeShawn Singleton joined the BIZ Ambassador Team years ago and worked to fulfill the goals of various BIZ initiatives before leading the initiatives themselves. Take a moment . . .

10 Years of the Downtown Detroit BIZ
The Downtown Detroit Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) commemorated its 10-year anniversary of creating a clean, safe, and welcoming Downtown made possible through the contributions of Downtown property owners on Thursday, . . .

2024 Downtown Detroit Perceptions Survey (Open)
As stewards of our vibrant and dynamic Downtown, the Downtown Detroit Partnership (DDP) and Downtown Detroit Business Improvement Zone (BIZ) are committed to serving all, ensuring every voice is heard and . . .

Downtown Detroit BIZ Renewal
Thank you to the property owners who voted on October 24, 2023 and unanimously approved a new BIZ Zone Plan for another ten years. 242 ballots were cast, and 100% of votes were “yes” in favor of BIZ renewal.
New Zone Plan, beginning April 15, 2024.