Downtown Detroit BIZ Renewal Process and Documentation


Thank you to the property owners who voted on October 24, 2023 and unanimously approved a new BIZ Zone Plan for another ten years. 242 ballots were cast, and 100% of votes were “yes” in favor of BIZ renewal.

Election Report–

New Zone Plan, beginning April 15, 2024.

Meeting of Owners of Assessed Properties to Vote on Renewal of the Downtown Detroit Business Improvement Zone and approve a new Zone Plan AND Annual Meeting of Owners of Assessed Property in the Downtown Detroit Business Improvement Zone (BIZ)

Meeting Notice: Special Meeting on BIZ Renewal Vote

Meeting Notice: Annual Meeting

Downtown Detroit’s property owners came together in 2014 to establish the Downtown Detroit BIZ. With their vote to approve the inaugural Zone Plan for the Downtown Detroit Business Improvement Zone, Downtown property owners established a special assessment district to support projects that keep the BIZ Zone clean, safe, and welcoming to the standards of property owners under the direction of a volunteer board of directors, a diverse group of Downtown leaders designated by property owners. The BIZ augments services provided by the city in public areas for the benefit of all Downtown property owners and their property values. The BIZ Board was entrusted with the responsibility of executing the BIZ Zone Plan effectively, transparently, and with fiscal responsibility. It contracts with the Downtown Detroit Partnership to manage its day-to-day operations. Nearing 10 years later, the data shows that the BIZ has delivered as promised. Every annual independent audit since inception has been entirely clean, and property owners report that they value BIZ services. The time has come to vote on renewal of the BIZ. 

The BIZ Board of Directors has called a Special Meeting of Owners of Assessed Properties for a vote on renewal of the BIZ and approval of a new Zone Plan for a 10-year qualifying period beginning April 15, 2024. The BIZ Board of Directors adopted two resolutions related to the Renewal of the Downtown Detroit Business Improvement Zone: Resolution 2023-08 Renewal of Business Improvement Zone and Resolution 2023-09 Procedure for Vote on Reauthorization of Business Improvement Zone. The meeting is open to the public. An authorized representative of the owner of each assessed property within the geographic boundaries  depicted in the current zone plan is invited to attend the meeting to vote on renewal of the BIZ and the new Zone Plan.

All voting will be conducted in person during the meeting. Please continue reading to ensure you are prepared to vote.

Proposed New Zone Plan 

Sample Ballot

Sample Application to Vote

Vote on BIZ Renewal

Tue., Oct. 24, 2023
10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

BIZ Ambassador Downtown Satellite Office
1420 Broadway Street, Suite 101
Detroit, Michigan 48226-2163

Property Owners Can Prepare to Vote

For each parcel of assessable property within the BIZ, the owner of record according to city tax roll is authorized to vote at the special meeting.  For a property owner that is an entity and not an individual, such as a corporation or a limited liability company, the property owner may designate an authorized representative before the special meeting to vote on behalf of the entity at the special meeting. An individual acting as a representative for an entity will be asked to provide documentation of authorization by the entity. 

To vote at the special meeting on behalf of an entity that owns assessable property, the authorized representative will need written authorization from the entity that is the legal owner of record of the assessable property.  Proof of that authorization may come in several forms depending on ownership structure. Below are links to forms that may be helpful for entities that own assessable property seeking to designate an authorized representative to vote at the special meeting.

  1. Only owners of assessable property within the BIZ Area are eligible to vote at the special meeting.
  2. Voting will be weighted consistent with the current zone plan for the BIZ.
  3. Click here to view the proposed New Zone Plan
  4. A printed copy of the proposed New Zone Plan also may be requested and reviewed during regular business hours at:
    Downtown Detroit Business Improvement Zone
    1000 Woodward Avenue, Suite 380
    Detroit, MI 48826-3540
    (313) 566-8250
  5. If a business entity is the owner of assessable property, in advance the entity may designate an individual to act as its agent and vote at the special meeting on behalf of the entity. Template resolutions for business entities designating an individual to act as agent and vote are available at the corresponding links below.
    Corporate Resolution
    General Partnership Resolution
    Limited Partnership Resolution
    LLC Resolution
  6. Individuals needing special accommodations or assistance to attend or participate in the special meeting should contact the Downtown Detroit Business Improvement Zone at (313) 566-8250 or [email protected] before the meeting to assure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

    The BIZ is proud to serve the Downtown Detroit and look forward to another decade of creating a vibrant community. Read through all the successes of the past decade below.
