CEO Blog

Downtown Detroit skyline, featuring a Downtown Detroti park

CEO Blog

DDP’s Year in Review

Welcome to Downtown Detroit, one of the country’s most talked about and evolving Downtowns in the country. Downtown Detroit is seeing record numbers in developments, visitors, events, and media attention, and the Downtown Detroit Partnership . . .

CEO Blog

Using Inclusive Design to Improve Our Public Spaces

The Downtown Detroit Partnership’s underlying mission is to create a Downtown that is clean, safe, and welcoming to all. If that sounds simple, it’s not. We accomplish this through myriad activities that include strategic investments . . .

CEO Blog

Building community by breaking barriers

In a world that continually strives for progress and equality, the right to live a life free from stigma and discrimination is a fundamental cornerstone of human rights. It's a right that should not only . . .

CEO Blog

What’s the Buzz?

September was a busy month in Detroit, starting with the Detroit Auto Show, then JPMorgan Chase celebrating $200 million invested over ten years in Detroit, followed by DDP’s annual Fall . . .

Triangle shaped DDP logo with We Make it Happen phrase in the center

CEO Blog

We Make It Happen, and It Counts

By Eric B. Larson An aspect I find extremely enriching in my role is the privilege it affords me to engage with other city leaders across the country facilitating an . . .

CEO Blog

Remembering Bob Gregory, 1950-2023

We dedicate this month’s note to Bob Gregory. On July 6, the Downtown Detroit community lost a dear friend, esteemed colleague, and renowned urban strategist, Robert “Bob” Gregory. His contributions to . . .
