Downtown Street Eats is back, meet the woman putting local small businesses in the spotlight

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Click On Detroit– As downtown workers return back to their offices and as apartments fill up nearby, a summertime favorite returns: Downtown Street Eats. Every weekday, a handful of food trucks make their way to Cadillac Square to feed hungry employees who flock to the park for sunshine and sustenance.

While the number of lunchtime restaurants may be limited downtown, Street Eats provides much-needed variety with several spots filled from a rotating list of 80 vendors. Curating the trucks that get a coveted spot in heart of Detroit this year with Downtown Detroit Partnership is Jennyfer Crawford, also known as AskJennyfer. Crawford, who has been a vocal advocate for small businesses, is not only managing Street Eats, but plenty of other events this summer.

We chat with Crawford about her new lunchtime gig and why small businesses are so important for Detroit.

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Downtown Street Eats is back, meet the woman putting local small businesses in the spotlight
