DDP Impact

Eric B. Larson

CEO Blog

CEO Eric Larson and CAO Lila Asante-Appiah talk about DEI within DDP

Earlier this summer, I asked our Chief Administrative Officer, Lila Asante-Appiah, to take some time to talk about Juneteenth and more broadly about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs. DEI . . .

DDP Impact

Downtown Detroit Perceptions Survey

The 2022 Downtown Detroit Perceptions Survey is ready and needs your input! This biannual survey aims to gather input from people who live in, work in, and visit Detroit and use . . .

CEO Blog

The Holiday Season in Detroit Has Officially Started

Greetings! It was wonderful to see the joy and optimism as our community and friends come together at two of my favorite events of the year! Even more special is . . .

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